About Us

Trajectile Youth is a group formed by Hong Kong based students from different schools and backgrounds, teenagers with the common goal to provide support to underprivileged students in society.

We are concerned about the betterment of our community, the elders, inter-generation relationships, and teenagers’ lack of communication and inter-personal skills.

Yao Yue Seng, Ellisha

Trajectile Youth Group – Founder & Team Leader
Leo Club of Shatin Hong Kong – Charter President
Great Harmony Youth Group – Student Representative

Recent Debating Achievements:

Academic Achievements:

Edinburgh Cup Debate Tournament Feb 2022 (for university students):

Team Members

Want to join us?

Jeffrey Yao

Team Member

Oxford University, UK

Charmaine Fung

Team Member

German Swiss International School, Hong Kong

Josephine Cheng

Team Member

Diocesan Girls' School, Hong Kong

Jessie Lai

Team Member

No.2 High School of East China Normal University, Shanghai

Trajectile Youth is recruiting members